What Is Article 172 3 Of The Constitution of Pakistan
As per apnaqanoon,All lands, minerals and other things of value underlying the ocean within the territorial water of Pakistan shall vest in Federal Government.”
As per apnaqanoon,All lands, minerals and other things of value underlying the ocean within the territorial water of Pakistan shall vest in Federal Government.”
As per apnaqanoon, No court shall have any jurisdiction save as is or may be conferred on it by the Constitution or by or under any law/qanoon. 3. The Judiciary shall be separated progressively from the Executive within fourteen years from the commencing day.
As per apnaqanoon,Article 185(3) of Constitution of Pakistan. • “An Appeal to the Supreme Court from a. judgment, decree, order or sentence of a High Court in a case to which clause (2) does not apply shall lie only if the Supreme Court grants leave to appeal.
As per apnaqanoon,The Supreme Court under Article 184(3), like the High Courts under Article 199(1)(c), can pass orders as may be appropriate for the enforcement of any law/qanoon of the fundamental rights conferred by Chapter 1 of Part II. Article 184(3) does not have the clogs of Article 199 of the Constitution.
As per apnaqanoon, The Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of every other court, have original jurisdiction in any dispute between any two or more Governments. Explanation. – In this clause, “Governments” means the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments.
As per apnaqanoon, judge of the Supreme Court can be removed under the Constitution law/qanoon only on grounds of proven misconduct or incapacity and by an order of the President of Pakistan.
As per apnaqanoon,Article 175A. Appointment of Judges to the Supreme Court, High Courts and the Federal Shariat Court.
As per apnaqanoon,Establishment and jurisdiction of courts. —(1) There shall be a Supreme Court of Pakistan, a High Court for each Province 1[and a High Court for the Islamabad Capital Territory] and such other courts as may be established by law/qanoon.
As per apnaqanoon,170. (1) The accounts of the Federation and of the Provinces shall be kept in such form and in accordance with such principles and methods as the Auditor-General may, with the approval of the President, prescribe…
As per apnaqanoon,Article 172. Ownerless property. – (1) Any property which has no rightful owner shall, if located in a Province, vest in the Government of the Province, and in every other case, in the Federal Government.