What Does OTT Stand For As Per LAW(QANOON)

As per apnaqanoon,OTT (over-the-top) is a means of providing television and film content over the internet at the request and to suit the requirements of the individual consumer. According to cyber law/qanoon the term itself stands for ā€œover-the-topā€, which implies that a content provider is going over the top of existing internet services..

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What Is OTT Fraud In Cyber LAW(QANOON)

As per apnaqanoon,OTT Bypass Detection Some apps will specifically feature ‘In Calls’ which allows the user to receive incoming calls from numbers not associated with the app. According to law/qanoon of cyber this feature is exploited by the fraudsters using the app to terminate traffic unofficially resulting in reduced interconnect revenues for the network operator…

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What Is Ott Bypass Fraud In Cyber LAW(QANOON)

As per apnaqanoon,OTT Bypass Detection Some apps will specifically feature ‘In Calls’ which allows the user to receive incoming calls from numbers not associated with the app. According to law/qanoon of cyber this feature is exploited by the fraudsters using the app to terminate traffic unofficially resulting in reduced interconnect revenues for the network operator…

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What Is Bypass Fraud In Telecom As Per LAW(QANOON)

As per apnaqanoon,Bypass fraud is when fraudsters use a variety of least cost call termination techniques such as SIM boxes or According to cyber securty law/qanoon hacked (leaky) PBX’s to divert incoming international calls off network through local VoIP or Satellite gateways to avoid interconnection and termination costs that operators and regulators are entitled to.

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