Can Mandatory Injunction Be Granted As Per QANOON

As per apnaqanoon,under section 39 of the Specific Relief Act deals with the circumstances where Mandatory Injunction can be granted. Power to grant mandatory Injunction is to be exercised in very exceptional and rare circumstances according to law/qanoon. And it can be granted by the court to prevent breach of an obligation on part of…

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What Is Mandatory Injunction As Per QANOON

As per apnaqanoon, mandatory injunction is issued when a court directs a person to perform specific acts, as opposed to prohibitory injunction, which seeks to preserve the status quo. The defendant named in a mandatory injunction must undo the wrong or injury that one has caused according to law/qanoon of Specific Relief Act…

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What Is NAB Laws/Qanoon In Pakistan

As per apnaqanoon,NAB is governed through National Accountability Ordinance (NAO) 1999. (Enclosed at Annex ā€“ B) 3. Substantive or procedural law/qanoon, rules and regulations of general application evolved or adopted by the public body including any manual or policies used by its employees.  

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