What Is Specific Relief Act 1877 in Pakistan

As per apnaqanoon,The law/qanoon relates to specific performance of agreements, injunctions (stay) related matters and certain kinds of specific relief obtainable in civil suits. The law/qanoon of specific relief is a kind of procedural law however and it is a supplement to Code of Civil Procedure.  

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What Is Partition Under Punjab Land Revenue Act

As per apnaqanoon,Under section 111 of the Land Revenue Act, any joint owner of land may apply to a revenue officer for partition of his share in the land. The word ā€œlandā€ is not defined in the Act. As per section, it is obviously not possible to divide a well into separate physical parcels for…

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What Are The Main Functions Of NADRA

As per apnaqanoon,National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) has gained international recognition for its success in providing solutions for identification, e-governance and secure documents that deliver multi-pronged goals of mitigating identity theft, safe-guarding the interests of our clients and facilitating the public.

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What Is The New Rule Of NADRA As Per LAW(QANOON)

As per apnaqanoon,Under the new policy, a birth certificate won’t be required to get a new CNIC and B-Form. All you need to provide are copies of a matriculation certificate, a domicile, a passport, and your parents’ CNICs. Furthermore, the condition of a marriage certificate for obtaining the wife’s CNIC has been removed.  

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