Civil Suit Burden Of Proof As Per Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon ,It is prosecution’s burden to prove its case beyond relevant doubt, Burden never shifts. reasonable doubt arising on considering a case as a whole, the benefit must go to the accused, though what he has pleaded has not been fully established after trial according to qanoon/law.

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Suit After Criminal Conviction As Per Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon, Criminal case ends in acquittal or dismissal, this doesn’t mean that a civil case can’t proceed. In criminal cases, the state must prove the allegations beyond a reasonable doubt in this regard in civil matters, the plaintiff needs only to prove the necessary elements through evidence according to qanoon/law.

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Civil Suit Against Police As per Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon ,A civil claim involves arguing that the police violated your private rights in court. Unlike a complaint to an federal Ombudsman, if successful, you will generally be awarded compensation for the harm you suffered as a result of the relevant forum/court breach of your rights according to qanoon/law

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Specific Performance B.Law As Per Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon , A part of a contract which, taken by itself can and ought to be specifically performed stands on a separate and independent from another part of the same contract which cannot or ought not to be specifically performed, the civil Court may direct specific performance of the former contract according to…

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