What Is Article 69 Constitution Of Pakistan
As per apnaqanoon, Article 69. (1) The validity of any law/qanoon proceedings in [Majlis-e-Shoora(Parlianment)] shall not be called in question on the ground of any irregularity of procedure.
As per apnaqanoon, Article 69. (1) The validity of any law/qanoon proceedings in [Majlis-e-Shoora(Parlianment)] shall not be called in question on the ground of any irregularity of procedure.
As per apnaqanoon,Article 18 Freedom of trade, business or profession. (c) the carrying on, by the Federal Government or a Provincial Government, or by a corporation controlled by any such Government law/qanoon, of any trade, business, industry or service, to the exclusion, complete or partial, of other persons according to rule of law/qanoon.
As per apnaqanoon, Loyalty to State and obedience to Constitution and law/qanoon. (1), Loyalty to the State is the basic duty of every citizen. (2), Obedience to the Constitution according to rule of qanoon/law
As per apnaqanoon,Every citizen not being in the service of Pakistan shall have the right to form or be a member of a political party. Every political party shall account for the constitution of pakistan called fo law/qanoon
As per apnaqanoon,The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: Ų¢Ų¦ŪŁ Ł¾Ų§Ś©Ų³ŲŖŲ§Ł Ł ŪŚŗ ŁŁŪŚŗ ŲŖŲ±Ł ŪŁ ) would have imposed sharia law/qanoon as the supreme law/qanoon of the land by amending Article 2, 203B and 203D of the Constitution of Pakistan. The Senate passed the bill and sent it to the National Assembly on 7 August…
As per apnaqanoon, Law/qanoon inconsistent with or in derogation of fundamental rights to be void. (1) Any law/qanoon, or any custom or usage having the force of law/qanoon, in so far as it is inconsistent with the rights conferred by this Chap.
As per apnaqanoon,Punishment for high treason, etc. : A person who is found guilty of having committed an act of abrogation or subversion of a constitution in force in PakistanQanoon at any time since the twenty-third day of March, 1956; or (b) of high treason as defined in Article 6 of the Constitution, shall be…
As per apnaqanoon, high treason as defined in Article 6 of the Constitution, shall be punishable with death or imprisonment for life. 3. Procedure. No court qanoon shall take cognizance of an offence punishable under this Act except upon a complaint in writing made by a person authorized by the Federal Government in this behalf.
As per apnaqanoon,The State shall ensure the elimination of all forms of exploitation and the gradual fulfillment of the fundamental principle, from each according to his ability
As per apnaqanoon,The Constitution defined the role of Islam; Pakistan was to be a Federation of Four Provinces and shall be known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; introduction of law/qanoon check and balances, separation of powers, and provided the federal system under which the government should govern.