What are the stages of crimes As per Qanoon
As per apnaqanoon, stages of crime 1 Intention. 2Preparation. 3Attempt. 4Accomplishmen
As per apnaqanoon, stages of crime 1 Intention. 2Preparation. 3Attempt. 4Accomplishmen
As per apnaqanoon,Accused’s statement under section 164, Cr. P.C. not amounting to confession cannot be used against co-accused but can be used against the maker according to qanoon/law
As per apnaqanoon Article 129,The Provincial Government, Subject to the Constitution, the executive authority of the Province shall be exercised in the name of the Governor by the Law/qanoon
As perĀ apnaqanoon, ClassificationĀ of Offences Ā· Bailable and non-bailable offence Ā· Cognizable and non-cognizable offence Ā· Compoundable and non-compoundable offence according to law/qanoon
As per apnaqanoon 164 Crpc could be recorded at the instance of police, but at the request of accused, the aggrieved person or the witness himself according to qanoon/law
As per apnaqanoon types of confession ,Judicial confession Extra-Judicial Confession ,Retracted Confession , Confession by co-accused according to law/qanoon.
As per apnaqanoon,Requirements of confession It must be voluntary, The confession must be made by the party to be affected by it, The confession must be to another person. according to qanoon/law.
As per apnaqanoon,Section 463 of CrPC Transaction otherwise civil in nature may involve a criminal offence if a false document is prepared after prepaid deception
As per apnaqanoon,If it is proved that an accused person has absconded, and that there is no prospect of arresting him, the Court competent to try or commit for trial such person for the offence complained of, may, in his absence, examine the witnesses , produced on behalf of the prosecution, and record aaccording to…
As per apnaqanoon Section 102 CrPC Where any person in about such place is reasonably suspected of concealing about his person any article for which search should be made, such person may be searched. If such person, is a woman, the direction of section 52 shall be observed according to law/Qanoon