What Is Another Name For Family Law/QANOON
As per apnaqanoon,Family law (also called matrimonial law/qanoon or the law/qanoon of domestic relations) is an area of the law/qanoon that deals with family matters and domestic relations.
As per apnaqanoon,Family law (also called matrimonial law/qanoon or the law/qanoon of domestic relations) is an area of the law/qanoon that deals with family matters and domestic relations.
As per apnaqanoon,Guardianship doesn’t last forever. The Incapacitated Person (IP) could die, regain capacity, or move out of the country, among other reasons. Sometimes, the guardianship doesn’t end, but the guardian needs to resign. When this happens, the guardian must be discharged by the Court according to guardian ward act.
As per apnaqanoon,The Family Court may pass an interim order to preserve and protect any property in dispute in a suit . and any other property of a party to the suit according to law/qanoon, the preservation of which is considered necessary for satisfaction of the decree, if and when passed.
As per apnaqanoon,In family court proceedings, the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 except sections 10 & 11 shall not apply to proceedings before the family court in accordance with law/qanoon section 17 of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964.
As per apnaqanoon,The provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law/qanoon for the time being in force or in any instrument having effect by virtue of any law/qanoon other than this Act.
As per apnaqanoon,17A. Interim order for maintenance. ā At any stage of proceedings in a suit for maintenance, the Family Court may pass an interim order for maintenance according to law/qanoon, whereunder the payment shall be made by the fourteenth of each month, failing which the Court may strike off the defence of the defendant…
As per apnaqanoon,The Family Court shall pass a decree in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed by family law/qanoon…
As per apnaqanoon, [16][16][1] Subject to the provisions of the Muslim Family Laws/qanoon Ordinance, 1961, and the Conciliation Courts Ordinance, 1961, the Family Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to entertain, hear and adjudicate upon matters specified in law/qanoon..
As per apnaqanoon, TheĀ father has the right to custody after the mother’s term ends by the court of law/qanoon. In case of the absence of both parents, the grandparents are offered custody of the child…
As per apnaqanoon, Islam custody of minor son upon attaining age of 7 years go to father whilst in case of minor daughter, non-custodial father can have custody of minor daughter after she attains age of puberty according to guarding law/qanoon.