What Islam Says About Divorce As Per Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon The Quran promotes reconciliation, through negotiated agreement between the spouses themselves or the use of arbitrators from both families according to islamic law/qanoon However, when ā€œmutual good treatmentā€ is not possible, there should be an amicable parting. Thus, the Quran treats divorce as something permitted but not laudable.

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What Is Section 272 Of Muhammadan Law/QANOON

As per apnaqanoon,Section 271 and 272 of Mulla’s Principles of Muhammadan Law/qanoon a marriage of minor (who not attained puberty) is not invalid that it was brought about by father or grand-father and continues to be valid unless same is repudiated by that girl before attaining age of 18 years according to Muhammadan Law/qanoon ..

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