As the seasons transition and spring approaches, it’s time for the annual ritual of adjusting our clocks for Daylight Saving Time (DST). In 2024, the time change will occur this weekend, marking the beginning of longer daylight hours in the evenings.
When is the Time Change?
In 2024, Daylight Saving Time will begin on Sunday, March 10th. At 2:00 AM local time, clocks will “spring forward” by one hour, meaning that 2:00 AM will become 3:00 AM. This adjustment effectively moves an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, giving us more daylight in the evenings.

Purpose of Daylight Saving Time:
The concept of Daylight Saving Time dates back to the early 20th century and was originally proposed as a way to save energy. By shifting an hour of daylight from the morning, when most people are asleep, to the evening, when people are more likely to be active, DST was thought to reduce the need for artificial lighting and, therefore, save energy.
Today, the reasons for observing DST have evolved. While energy savings are still a consideration, DST is also seen as a way to promote outdoor activities, reduce traffic accidents, and increase economic activity in the evenings.
Impact on Daily Life:
The transition to Daylight Saving Time can have both positive and negative effects on daily life. On the one hand, the longer daylight hours in the evening can be a welcome change, allowing people to enjoy more time outdoors and engage in recreational activities after work or school.
On the other hand, the shift in time can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to feelings of fatigue and irritability, known as “social jet lag.” It can take several days for our bodies to adjust to the new schedule, so it’s important to be mindful of our sleep habits and try to maintain a consistent bedtime routine.
As Daylight Saving Time approaches, it’s a good time to prepare for the upcoming change by adjusting our clocks and planning ahead for any potential disruptions to our routines. While the shift in time can be challenging, it also signals the arrival of spring and the promise of longer, brighter days ahead. So, embrace the change, enjoy the extra daylight, and make the most of the season ahead!