Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Successful Conclusion of Hurricane Michael Housing Construction Program, Reconstructing 977 Homes in 20 Months

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the successful conclusion of the Hurricane Michael Housing Repair and Replacement Program (HRRP), completing 977 housing projects and returning Hurricane Michael-impacted families to decent, safe, and sanitary homes 20 months after housing construction was initiated in July 2021, three years ahead of schedule. To date, Florida has provided over $3 billion for Hurricane Michael recovery efforts in the Panhandle.

“Less than two years since construction began, we have made meaningful progress for Panhandle residents affected by Hurricane Michael,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “More than 977 residents are home after experiencing devastation from Hurricane Michael, demonstrating Florida’s commitment to recovering efficiently, compassionately, and strategically following a disaster. READ MORE



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