Lack of cyber security laws in Pakistan | By Farooq Feroze, Beijing

VARIOUS initiatives have been put in place by federal and provincial institutions and sectoral regulatory agencies under legislation like the Electronic Transaction Ordinance, 2002, which only applies to electronic banking transactions and documentation.

The Investigation for Fair Trial Act (IFTA) 2013, and the Prevention of Electronic Crime Act (PECA) 2016, which only apply to some but not all internet-connected criminal activities.Only a small number of dedicated Cyber Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) across government, industry and the military are currently active at the organizational level to address cyber security incidents.

However, the primary agency tasked with ensuring national Cyber Security must be strengthened, and current legal and institutional frameworks must be improved.

Constant assessment, evaluation, and enhancement of the Cyber Security legislative framework, structures, and procedures are essential.

Digital assets in Pakistan are not adequately protected by the law. There is an urgent need to alter Cyber Security law in such a way that it should retain the interest of the community in text and spirit without fail, as the current legislation fails to do so.

Accordingly, a well-structured legal framework may facilitate conformity with a centralized and comprehensive compliance system.

Cybersecurity’s legislative basis, procedures, and operations must be READ MORE

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