Is Rental Income Taxable In Pakistan

As per apnaqanoon ,All payments made on account of rent of immovable properties shall be subject to the above WHT rates (if made to an individual, including in case of sub-lease. Loss sustain under any head of income from Propertyis allowed to be set off against the person’s income under this head according to incometax…

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What Is A Penalty As Per Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon ,penalty is the punishment imposed upon a person who has violated the law/qanoon, a contract, a rule, or regulation. A penalty can be in response to either civil or criminal violations, though civil penalties are usually less severe according fbr Department of qanoon/law.

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Income Tax Appeal Fees As Per Tax Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon Rs. 1,000, where the appellant is a company; and – Rs. 200, where the appellant is other than a companyor individual The above prescribed appeal fee is to be deposited in the State Bank of Pakistan or National Bank of Pakistan using the tax deposit slip form according relevant sro qanoon

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Income Tax Appeal As Per Qanoon

As per apnaqanoon When person dissatisfied with any order passed by a Commissioner/Officer Inland Revenue has the right of appeal. In case of an Individual, the Individual himself; in case of an Association of Person (AOP), any partner or member of the association; and in case of a Company the principal related officer according tax…

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What Is Zero-Rated Supply In Pakistan

As per apnaqanoon ,Zero Rated Supply to diplomats, privileged persons and privileged organizations which are covered under various Acts, Orders, Rules, Regulations and Agreements passed by the Parliament or issued or agreed by the Government of Pakistan. Supplies to duty free shops tax is charge with 0% with item according to tax qanoon/law

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