what is partnership deed and draft partnership deed between A and B”,APNAQANOON

A partnership deed is a legal document that sets out the terms and conditions of a partnership

between two or more people. It is an essential document for any partnership, as it provides clarity and certainty for all parties involved.

The partnership deed should include the following information:

  • The names of the partners
  • The name of the partnership firm
  • The nature of the business to be carried on
  • The duration of the partnership
  • The capital contribution of each partner
  • The profit sharing ratio
  • The management structure of the partnership
  • The rights and responsibilities of the partners
  • The process for admitting or retiring partners
  • The process for dissolving the partnership

The draft partnership deed between A and B would be similar to the above, but would be specific to the two partners involved. It would need to be tailored to their individual circumstances and requirements.

Here is an example of a draft partnership deed between A and B:

This Partnership Deed is made on [DATE] by and between:

  • A, whose full name is [A’s full name], of [A’s address]; and
  • B, whose full name is [B’s full name], of [B’s address].

In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

  1. Name of the Partnership. The name of the partnership shall be [Partnership name].
  2. Nature of Business. The partnership shall carry on the business of [business description].
  3. Duration of Partnership. The partnership shall commence on [start date] and shall continue until terminated in accordance with the terms of this Deed.
  4. Capital Contribution. The capital contribution of each partner shall be as follows:
    • A shall contribute [amount]
    • B shall contribute [amount]
  5. Profit Sharing Ratio. The profit sharing ratio shall be [ratio].
  6. Management Structure. The management of the partnership shall be vested in the partners, who shall have equal decision-making powers.
  7. Rights and Responsibilities of Partners. The rights and responsibilities of the partners shall be as follows:
    • Each partner shall be entitled to participate in the management of the partnership.
    • Each partner shall be liable for the debts of the partnership up to the amount of their capital contribution.
    • Each partner shall be entitled to a share of the profits of the partnership in accordance with the profit sharing ratio.
  8. Admission or Retirement of Partners. A new partner may be admitted to the partnership with the unanimous consent of the existing partners. A partner may retire from the partnership by giving at least [number] months’ written notice to the other partners.
  9. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership may be dissolved by:
    • Mutual agreement of the partners;
    • The death or bankruptcy of a partner; or
    • The happening of any other event specified in this Deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Partnership Deed as of the date first written above.

[Signature of A]

[Signature of B]

This is just an example, and the specific terms of a partnership deed will vary depending on the individual

partnership deed
Signing a contract

circumstances of the partners. It is important to consult with an attorney to draft a partnership deed that is tailored to your specific needs.

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