What Is Labor Court In Pakistan As Per QANOON

As per apnaqanoon,The Labour Court adjudicates industrial disputes which have been referred to or brought before it; inquires into or adjudicates any matter relating to the implementation or violation of a settlement which is referred to it by the Provincial Government according to labour law/qanoon tries offenses under the Industrial Relations Ordinance..

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What Is Meant By Consumer Protection Act As Per QANOON

As per apnaqanoon,The Consumer Protection Act, implemented in 1986, gives easy and fast compensation to consumer grievances. It safeguards and encourages consumers to speak against insufficiency and flaws in goods and services according to law/qanoon. If traders and manufacturers practice any illegal trade, this act protects their rights as a consumer.

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Why Is Consumer Protection Important As Per QANOON

As per apnaqanoon,Consumer protection makes markets work for both businesses and consumers. Consumers need to be able to obtain accurate, unbiased information about the products and services they purchase. This enables them to make the best choices based on their interests and prevents them from being mistreated according to law/qanoon..

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